Wednesday, February 29, 2012

This poor cabinet...

It has been winter white, blue, expresso, aqua and now taupe.  Finally I like it.

Shining it up...

There is something good about shining up the things around up. 

Does He love us because of our goodness? Because of our kindness? Because of our great faith? No, He loves us because of His goodness, kindness and great faith. "Grace For The Moment". We can shine ourselves up but He still loves us the same. "Grace For The Moment

Monday, February 27, 2012

New Life

In "Love Wins" the author speaks of how we need to experience Heaven on Earth and not just wait for the after life.  So yesterday I went to Johnson's Garden Center to feed my soul and then came home to plant my parsley.  My wildflowers are growing as we speak.  God is so us such beauty here.  I urge you to take some time to play in the soil and experience God right in your hands.