Tuesday, January 24, 2012

It's raining outside and in my heart...

Don't think I have ever felt so unworthy in God's eyes.  Hope seems so out of reach and grace and mercy...forget about it.  I know deep down that God's grace is enough, that His mercies are new every morning, that nothing can separate us from His love, that He died for me, and that I will one day be in His grasp but today my faith is small to say the least.

Lord I need a new touch and I need the rain that is outside to come into my heart and wash the windows of my soul.  As I sleep tonight Lord fill me with your power so that in the morning I can say

This is the day God has given me.  I will give thanks for whatever God sees fit to send.


1 comment:

  1. I prayed "Help thou my unbelief again" yesterday. Out loud. Spontaneously.

    Chloe just asked me why God didn't just give us all the answers. I said, "I kinda like the magic/mystery of it all." ...but when I think about it, maybe I'm just not as honest with myself as Chloe is.

    I love you and miss you!
